Лего 10237 Властелин колец Башня Ортханк Обзор Lego Lord Of The Rings

Лего 10237 Властелин колец Башня Ортханк Обзор Lego Lord Of The Rings

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Lego Lord of the Rings The Tower of Orthanc Лего Властелин колец
Канал Lego обзоры от Warlorda https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCJieqDNN1L4_eud1xQtMTWQ

На канале уже 5000 подписчиков, чему я очень рад. Спасибо что смотрите мой канал.
В честь такого события предлагаю посмотреть обзор на самый большой набор LEGO серии "Властелин колец" - Башня Ортханк. Набор действительно грандиозный и башня, в самом деле, очень высокая. Помимо башни в набор входят 5 минифигурок, фигуры Энта и орла.

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Includes a Great Eagle, buildable Ent figure and 5 minifigures with weapons: Saruman with kirtle outfit, Grima Wormtongue, Gandalf™ the Grey, an Uruk-hai™ and the Orc Pitmaster• Features 6 highly detailed floors with lots of functions, including a folding staircase, LEGO® light brick palantir, opening entrance doors and a trap door• Weapons include 5 staffs, knife, sword, shield and a long axe• The attic features a folding staircase, the 3 staffs of the missing wizards, the 2 keys of the Two Towers, 2 maps and an Uruk-hai helmet, shield and sword• The library features 2 books, 2 torches, 2 maps and 2 skulls• The alchemy room features 2 torches, a bomb (being produced for the Battle of Helm’s Deep™), 2 potions, bottle, skull, gunpowder keg, pot, cauldron and a long axe• Saruman’s throne room features lamps, 2 bookcases with 3 potions, map, letter and the powerful palantir with a LEGO light brick• The entrance hall features opening doors, trap door, 2 large banners, chandelier, statue and 2 axes• The creepy dungeon features a chain, 2 bones, 2 skulls and a rat• Buildable Ent features poseable limbs for holding a minifigure and a cool swinging arm function• Attack the tower with the cool buildable and poseable Ent!• Swoop to the rescue with the Great Eagle!• Activate the LEGO light brick and make the palantir glow!• Set the trap door and banish unwanted guests to the dungeon!• Prepare the bomb for the Battle of Helm’s Deep!• Swing the Ent’s arms to smash or grab things with the poseable fingers!• Measures over 28" (73cm) high, 8" (21cm) wide and 6" (16cm) deep• Ent stands over 9" (23cm) tall

source: http://shop.lego.com/en-US/The-Tower-of-Orthanc-10237

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